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3 Black Creatives To Have On Your Radar

In light of the Black Lives Matter movement, now is a wonderful time to support black artists. Here are a few up and coming young, black photographers and filmmakers who are using their platform to inspire others.

#1) Geraldine Jeannot


○ “ The photos have a special meaning to me because they are a piece of history

that I’ll be able to pass down to future generations in my family. My family is from

Haiti and it’s been instilled in me to remember the history of my people. As a

Haitian American who is a photographer, I felt like it was my responsibility to

capture what was occurring in front of me. So often history is white washed and

watered down. We don’t get to see the rawness of it all. I needed to go down to

the protests for myself and be a part of history.”


○ “My inspirations come from a plethora of black women. Women in my family,

activists like Shirley Chisholm, artists like Solange and Ava Duvernay.”

Rules to Follow

○ “The only rule I follow is when I’m photographing at protests, I’ll make sure to blur

out protestors faces for their privacy and protection. ”


#2) Tania Sims


○ “I pay close attention to what’s around me and the people I plan on incorporating

in my film pieces.”


○ “I’d love for people to see through lenses they normally wouldn’t. That’s the

beauty of film. Not only do I want you to feel something during, I want you to feel

something different afterwards.”


○ “I've always been a film fanatic but it wasn’t until I was a junior in high school

when I really began to fall in love with the art of film. I was infatuated with the

history, the culture, and all the different styles. I knew I wanted to be apart of it.”


#3) Alejandro Hendricks


○ “This is my story I think for me I want to be more honest with myself and everyone and

the truth is that I’m fucked up over someone I thought I could never lose.”

● New Beginnings

○ “ I started doing films with my roommate Lance in 2016 and went into it with the

intention of making something cool or something that people would think highly of if I

did. Lately, making films has been a way to capture how I feel and to explore it. I

think more than anything my inspiration is my family, if I can do nothing else in the

world I want to show my sister how it’s okay to be vulnerable and to let your emotions

go because you heal that way, or at least begin to my goal with making films is to just

make something truthful to me.”

● Future Goals

○ “Lance will be directing my first feature film script in January of 2021, I want to direct

my own films in the future but I’m in no rush, I hope in 10 years I’ve done at least one



Petitions You can Support:

Below we’ve attached some petitions you can sign to support the Black Lives Matter

Movement. Remember every share and signature counts.

Petitions that Have Yet to reach their Goal:

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